Planning and Evaluation of Results on Targets to Underline Stakeholder Actions on the Territory and its Uses.
Planning and Evaluation of Results on Targets to Underline Stakeholder Actions on the Territory and its Uses.

Version 1.1

Français Corsica Italiano English

The software

PERTUSATU is a planning writing and evaluation software, applied to the management of protected areas within the framework of the GIREPAM strategic project where the island of Corsica is the pilot territory for application.

Keywords : Planning, Evidentiary, Utility, Effectiveness, Coherence, Sustainability, Efficiency, Dashboard.

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THe first test application

First application of the software to the management of the natural reserve of the Bouches de Bonifacio.


Contracting authority

The PERTUSATU software was developed on the basis of scientific work carried out at the University of Corsica by Pascal OBERTI, environmental economist; from a multidisciplinary perspective with Christine PERGENT-MARTINI, marine biologist.

GIREPAM project

The PERTUSATU software is an implementation of the strategic project GIREPAM (Integrated Management of Ecological Networks through Parks and Marine Areas), as part of the Interreg Italy-France Maritime Cross-border Programme (2017-2019).

Project website